Custom Applications: Choosing the Right Company for Your Needs 

Custom Applications

Custom Applications: Choosing the Right Company for Your Needs  Today, many organizations are turning towards custom applications to use in their daily operations. Some will use them to target and attract new customers and others will use them to improve their daily operations. If you are looking for a custom application, you are one of many organizations that are searching for the same thing. But due to the volume of application development experts, how do you choose the right one for your needs?  There are many factors to consider when selecting an organization to build your custom application. You should:  How Can I Evaluate an Organization’s Experience and Expertise?  The … Read more

Internet of Things: Are You Protected? 

Internet of Things

Internet of Things: Are You Protected? Simply put, the Internet of Things (IoT) are smart objects and can range from home devices (like Alexa) to complex industrial machinery and transportation systems. It is a network of physical devices or objects that are embedded with sensors, software, and network connectivity that allows them to collect and share data.   How many people do you know who use some sort of smart device? My guess would be many. You yourself are likely to use some sort of smart device or technology. But have you stopped to think about the security risks associated with using these devices?  How Does the Internet of Things Work?  … Read more

Microsoft Secure Score Shows Effectiveness of Data Security

Microsoft Secure Score

Microsoft Secure Score Shows Effectiveness of Data Security   A current hot topic of conversation in the technology world is safety and security – and for good reason. It often feels as though we are constantly being warned of new scams or online threats. Remaining diligent is essential, especially when it comes to your organization’s data. The Microsoft Secure Score is an effective way to measure the quality of your organization’s protection policies.  What is the Microsoft Secure Score? The Microsoft Secure Score is a tool available in the M365 security portal that helps you measure and improve your organization’s security tactics in Microsoft 365.   It gives you a numerical summary … Read more

Secret Manager to Protect Sensitive Data in App Development

Secret Manager

Secret Manager to Protect Sensitive Data in App Development   How you deal with sensitive data is critical to your organization’s success. If you are not careful with sensitive company or client data, you risk losing trust between you and your employees or customer base. But how do you protect sensitive data when developing a new application where you may need access to said data? Secret Manager provides a solution for protecting sensitive data during application development.  What is Secret Manager?  Secret Manager is used to store sensitive data during the development of an ASP.NET Core application development project. It keeps the “secrets” out of the source code and stores them … Read more

Protecting Sensitive Data: Ensuring Privacy from a Data Engineering Perspective 

Sensitive Data

Protecting Sensitive Data: Ensuring Privacy from a Data Engineering Perspective  In a bank call center, staff members handle clients’ data. They have to identify clients for various requests while maintaining privacy. The call center representative must be able to identify the client while keeping the credit card number private, even though the system holds card information. Protecting sensitive data is crucial for the bank’s success.   You also want to keep the value of transactions on the card private. Data may be substituted with random numbers or displayed as ***, showing only the last four digits for validation purposes.  Now, imagine the same data set is sent to the analytics team to analyze … Read more

Custom Script Setting in SharePoint & OneDrive Removed

Custom Script Setting

Last week, we published a blog discussing Microsoft retiring SharePoint Add-Ins. In that blog, we briefly discussed how the Classic Mode for Custom Scripts has been affected by that change. The Custom Script setting in SharePoint and OneDrive has already been removed – the change took place in May 2024.   There is a new PowerShell command (DelayDenyAddAndCustomizePagesEnforcement) that will allow administrators to delay any changes until November of this year. Additionally, the NoScriptSite setting will be configured to True for all existing sites except for specific site templates.   How Will The Removal of Custom Script Settings Affect My Organization?  Because the Custom Script setting has been removed, you can’t add, … Read more

SharePoint Add-Ins to be Retired in M365 

SharePoint Add-Ins

In Microsoft’s effort to provide modern, evolved digital solutions, they will be retiring SharePoint Add-Ins and pushing SharePoint Extensibility Models instead – such as SharePoint Framework.   SharePoint Add-Ins will stop working for new tenants in November 2024 and will be fully eliminated in early 2026. You will no longer be able to update, purchase, or acquire SharePoint Add-Ins.  How Does the SharePoint Add-In Retirement Affect Me?  Many people are unaware of this new change, and it will greatly impact those who have used SharePoint Add-Ins or made custom Add-Ins in the past. If you made a purchase from the Microsoft Store or downloaded a free application, they will stop working.   … Read more

Increasing Productivity with Microsoft PowerToys  


Microsoft PowerToys is an application aimed to increase productivity by providing the user with a set of tools and offerings.   Originally introduced in the 1990s and resurrected for Windows 10, PowerToys are a collection of free, open-source utilities designed to enhance your Windows experience. Whether you’re a power user or simply looking to streamline your workflow, PowerToys offers a suite of tools that can make your computer usage more efficient and enjoyable.   There have been a few new tools and updates showcased in the Microsoft Build 2024 conference. Here is a list of the most notable features with PowerToys so far:  PowerToys – Mouse Without Borders  If you use multiple … Read more

How the Bushcraft Rule of Threes Helps Me Think about Project Management 

Project Management

Using survival skills can help with project management. Yes, you read that right.   What is the Bushcraft Rule of Threes?  The bushcraft rule of threes is a simple guideline that helps campers and survivalists to prioritize their needs in a wilderness situation. It states that you can survive:  The rule of threes helps you prioritize what will cause you to fail fastest first. When you follow the rules, it prevents you from wasting time and energy on less urgent matters. For example, if you are in a cold and wet environment, finding or building a shelter to keep you warm and dry is more important than looking for food … Read more

Enhancing Remote Work Security with Global Secure Access (GSA) and Conditional Access Policies  

Global Secure Access

What Is Global Secure Access? Working remotely has become the norm for many people. Nowadays, people work from nearly anywhere, which makes network security even more important. Global Secure Access (GSA), available as a preview feature in the Microsoft Entra Admin Center, provides a solution for secure access to your apps and resources using Microsoft’s Security Service Edge (SSE).   Global Secure Access (GSA) can be used to control network traffic between endpoint devices and the internet. Capabilities of GSA include web content filtering, M365 traffic control, and can even act as a VPN for your private, corporate resources. The GSA client is installed on endpoint devices and helps forward network … Read more