Microsoft Sample Solution Gallery: Unlock Innovation 

Microsoft Sample Solution Gallery

“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulder of giants”. – Sir Isaac Newton  Isaac Newton, one of the most influential scientists in history and known for formulating the laws of motion and universal gravitation which laid the groundwork for much of modern physics and mathematics.   Newton is saying that innovation is a process and is often built on the ideas and work that existed before and seldom by isolated inspiration as often depicted in popular television. This type of innovation is exactly what Microsoft is attempting to inspire with the creation of their Sample Solution Gallery.   For those not already familiar, the Microsoft Sample Solution … Read more

Protecting Sensitive Data: Ensuring Privacy from a Data Engineering Perspective 

Sensitive Data

Protecting Sensitive Data: Ensuring Privacy from a Data Engineering Perspective  In a bank call center, staff members handle clients’ data. They have to identify clients for various requests while maintaining privacy. The call center representative must be able to identify the client while keeping the credit card number private, even though the system holds card information. Protecting sensitive data is crucial for the bank’s success.   You also want to keep the value of transactions on the card private. Data may be substituted with random numbers or displayed as ***, showing only the last four digits for validation purposes.  Now, imagine the same data set is sent to the analytics team to analyze … Read more

Custom Script Setting in SharePoint & OneDrive Removed

Custom Script Setting

Last week, we published a blog discussing Microsoft retiring SharePoint Add-Ins. In that blog, we briefly discussed how the Classic Mode for Custom Scripts has been affected by that change. The Custom Script setting in SharePoint and OneDrive has already been removed – the change took place in May 2024.   There is a new PowerShell command (DelayDenyAddAndCustomizePagesEnforcement) that will allow administrators to delay any changes until November of this year. Additionally, the NoScriptSite setting will be configured to True for all existing sites except for specific site templates.   How Will The Removal of Custom Script Settings Affect My Organization?  Because the Custom Script setting has been removed, you can’t add, … Read more