Benefits of Power BI: Unlocking Your Data’s Potential 

Your organization’s data can be a valuable tool for making informed business decisions. Quality data can assist in understanding customer needs, increase employee satisfaction, provide insights as to the effectiveness of certain processes, and more. Harnessing the power of your data is crucial, yet often organizations engage in ineffective data collection practices. The benefits of Power BI are numerous and can easily provide data insights that may currently be unrealized.   What is Power BI?  Power BI is a Microsoft solution that turns your organization’s data into visually engaging and interactive reports. Power BI also lets you connect multiple data sources and automates processes, eliminating manual work.   Benefits of Power BI  … Read more

Unlocking Sales Insights with Salesforce and Power BI

Salesforce is a powerful Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform that empowers organizations to streamline every aspect of the customer journey. It provides tools for managing leads, opportunities, and customer accounts, among many other functions. Despite there being vast amounts of data within Salesforce, it can be difficult to transform it into actionable insights. This is why integrating Salesforce with Power BI can be a game-changing move for your organization. In this blog, we will discuss the steps involved in transforming your Salesforce data into actionable insights with Power BI – including how to integrate Salesforce with Power BI, how to build your data model, as well as provide example visualizations … Read more

Understanding Microsoft Syntex: The Power of Intelligent Document Processing

Organizations deal with vast amounts of information in the form of documents, emails, and other structured or unstructured content. Unraveling valuable insights from these data sources can often pose a significant challenge. In today’s digital age, with the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies, organizations have powerful tools like Microsoft Syntex to streamline document processing and enhance productivity.   Microsoft Syntex is content AI integrated in flow of work. Content AI transforms how content is created, processed, and discovered. Microsoft Syntex is a solution built on Microsoft 365 and SharePoint and powered by Artificial Intelligence. This helps organizations automate content processing, extract valuable information, and increase … Read more

Using Configuration Files When Developing Projects with Xcode

For most products, having separate environments for testing and production is common. If you’re building an iPhone application (which utilizes a backend API service) you’ll likely have a variable containing the environment endpoint value. For simple applications, configuration changes could be managed using a debug conditional compiler directive. However, with larger projects or when targeting several environments, a more robust solution is required due to the project’s complex nature. In this case, we would use configuration files.   Configuration Files:  Xcode utilizes a simple file format, xcconfig, to manage application configuration externally from the project file or source code. These files consist of a collection of key-value pairs and can be … Read more

Incorporating Microsoft Tools to Create a Better Employee Experience  

Enhancing internal communication is important for both the growth of an organization and ensuring employees are satisfied with their organizational culture. Providing employees with the proper tools to better communicate with one another has several benefits. It leads to lower employee stress levels, increased productivity, and can solve an organizational crisis more efficiently. In this blog, we will explore how incorporating Microsoft tools can provide employees and employers with better avenues for communication. With the rise of remote and hybrid work, having quality internal communication has never been more important. Microsoft has various tools that can lead to improved internal communication. In this blog, we will analyze a couple of those … Read more

Defending the Digital Realm: AI’s Influence on Security 

The Changing Face of Cyber Threats through AI & AI’s Influence on Security Business professionals today use the term AI to describe a variety of advanced systems. The most common areas include image processing, natural language processing, recommender systems, or popular chat bots such as ChatGPT. These systems have a variety of uses from automating tasks and gaining data insights, to suggesting recipes given a list of ingredients! The techniques are often thought of as ‘intelligent’ because they enable machines to mimic human-like cognitive processes. Yet, there is no actual thinking happening. These are complex models which use techniques like backpropagation, statistics, and non-linear relationships. These tools can recognize patterns invisible … Read more

Customized Modern Search Experiences with PnP Search Web Parts

Today, PnP Search is often used in SharePoint to create customized search pages and result displays. This results in a fully custom modern search experience. It is equipped with features such as Refiners, Pagination, Sorting, and Highlighting, which make it easier to refine and present search results. PnP search is made up of four web parts: 1. PnP search results 2. PnP search box 3. PnP search filters 4. PnP search vertical.  Below is an example of how to tailor the search experience: To create a search page such as the above example, the first step is to include a search box. Search box allows you to type in search … Read more

The Imaginet Difference: An Exclusive Look at Imaginet’s Onboarding Process   

Most new developers are familiar with the dread of “onboarding.” Onboarding refers to the first few weeks or months of work, where new employees are expected to set up their workstations, learn about the company and its expectations, and graduate from being brand new to being a valuable member of the team. From my experiences and the experiences shared by other industry professionals, this sensitive period in one’s employment is often mismanaged by a variety of companies, no matter the size or industry. In this blog, we will explore why onboarding is such a minefield, and how Imaginet leveraged their expertise to ensure a positive onboarding experience for new consultants.    … Read more

Application Modernization: A Roadmap to Success  

Do you know how many organizations have their own custom line of business applications? Do you know how many of those applications were built by someone innovative and savvy enough to produce a tool that made certain tasks easier, to then share that tool company-wide, where it slowly became central to day-to-day operations? At Imaginet we have seen this situation countless times. Often, these tools start out as Microsoft Access database apps. At other organizations, there is usually an individual in-house with a software development background or education who can create a desktop or web application and maintain and update it. This approach can lead a business to evolve into … Read more

Co-Develop in Power BI Desktop: Creating an NHL Draft 

In May 2023 Microsoft announced Fabric, an end-to-end, human-centered analytics product that brings together all an organization’s data and analytics in one place. Accompanying the announcement of Fabric are features that improve Power BI’s relationship with Developers. One such feature is the improved co-development experience.  How Are Several Developers Able to Work together in Power BI?   Until these recent announcements, it was difficult for more than one developer to work on reports or datasets in Power BI, and it was easy to overwrite someone else’s changes, resulting in lost work. Furthermore, when searching for a previous version of a report or attempting to re-deploy an accidentally deleted report on the … Read more