Automated Endowment Fund Reports Result in Quicker, More Streamlined Reporting 

A major Canadian University wanted to automate the process of reporting endowment fund expenditures to faculties. The proceeds of endowment funds are used to support academic scholarships, bursaries, and research projects, and are a major component of large academic institutions and their fundraising efforts. Efficient reporting of these funds, their income, expenditures, and unspent balances allows faculties to support the students, scholars, and projects as intended by the donors, while remaining fiscally responsible and avoiding overspending. The existing highly manual and time-consuming process meant that the fund expenditures and balances were often out of date and funds with infrequent activity could easily be forgotten. Unspent funds were an unfortunate but … Read more

New Application Development Projects Enhance Resource Management 

A telecommunications organization contacted Imaginet for assistance on 2 new application development projects. The first was a portfolio tracker, and the second was an office furniture ordering application.    Portfolio Tracker    The portfolio tracker we built for our client tracks and manages the various budgets they have across different departments. Our client has several districts and district managers, and they needed a way to track budgets across these districts and departments. Another aspect of the portfolio tracker is managing tech deployments within the organization. For example, if a boardroom needs a new projector (or other tech) they’ll go through a process to request the needed technology. Our tool allows for the … Read more

Data Collection Upgrade Reduces Technical Debt & Modernizes Data Reports

A well-known consumer packaged goods (CPG) company specializing in pet food asked Imaginet to perform maintenance on their existing data collection processes. We work in a staff augmentation role for this client and do ongoing work for them. Their data departments are divided into different business areas (we will refer to them as teams). On this project, we were working with two of their teams. Both teams required general maintenance and updates to their data collection tools – essentially a data collection upgrade. Team 1: Their primary focus is collecting and processing data about pet foods and products (nutritional claims they make, calories, ingredients, product history, etc.). This process to … Read more

Power BI Data Model Builds Better and More Accurate Reports

A major Canadian University had contacted Imaginet because they needed reports built on top of an existing data warehouse. This is a long-term client of Imaginet’s, and we had previously built a data warehouse for another department within the organization. Much of the work for this project was about defining the semantic data model on top of the data warehouse and then building the reports on it.   Before they had a data warehouse, they had multiple applications that were reporting data separately. Since the implementation of the data warehouse, the client wanted to use Power BI as a standard enterprise reporting portal.   Our Solution  We started with creating views in … Read more

Power BI Reports & DevOps Component Improves Data Quality

A major Canadian University had been experiencing issues with discrepancies in their data reports. They had an existing data warehouse across the entire organization, but the data quality was poor and inaccurate. Therefore, they were in need of a solution that could provide overall improved data quality. The client had expressed their desire to keep the data warehouse currently in place. We determined that data collected and presented in Power BI reports would satisfy the client’s data needs.   What We Did: Power BI  We started by doing work in Power BI that allowed the reports to match up with their evaluation criteria, which involved working heavily in SQL. We then … Read more

Centralized Data Reporting Reduces Wait Times and Improves Reliability

A well-known consumer packaged goods (CPG) company specializing in pet food contacted Imaginet because the data for their health and safety reporting was slow and failing to load properly. They were working with an online platform called Evotix and pulling data from a web URL to build reports. Additionally, they have numerous factories and therefore have high volumes of data to capture. Each of the factories was attempting to take the data from the Evotix platform to build reports but the web URL couldn’t handle many factories requesting large datasets concurrently and was consequently unreliable. They were in need of a centralized data repository, so all their data could be accessible … Read more

Benefits of Power BI: Unlocking Your Data’s Potential 

Your organization’s data can be a valuable tool for making informed business decisions. Quality data can assist in understanding customer needs, increase employee satisfaction, provide insights as to the effectiveness of certain processes, and more. Harnessing the power of your data is crucial, yet often organizations engage in ineffective data collection practices. The benefits of Power BI are numerous and can easily provide data insights that may currently be unrealized.   What is Power BI?  Power BI is a Microsoft solution that turns your organization’s data into visually engaging and interactive reports. Power BI also lets you connect multiple data sources and automates processes, eliminating manual work.   Benefits of Power BI  … Read more

Unlocking Sales Insights with Salesforce and Power BI

Salesforce is a powerful Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform that empowers organizations to streamline every aspect of the customer journey. It provides tools for managing leads, opportunities, and customer accounts, among many other functions. Despite there being vast amounts of data within Salesforce, it can be difficult to transform it into actionable insights. This is why integrating Salesforce with Power BI can be a game-changing move for your organization. In this blog, we will discuss the steps involved in transforming your Salesforce data into actionable insights with Power BI – including how to integrate Salesforce with Power BI, how to build your data model, as well as provide example visualizations … Read more

Enhanced Business Process Improves Data Quality, Organization, and Efficiency in Vendor Management System 

A full-service commercial real estate organization had difficulty managing vendor information and requests. Based on the volume of vendors and incoming submissions, it was challenging to keep everything organized, and the process had become increasingly manual. The client approached Imaginet to improve the vendor management process in their SharePoint Online site for them and their customers.   The Imaginet Business Productivity team used Power Apps to create a front-end interface for the portfolio manager. Based on their business requirements, several form types were constructed (e.g., a new request, resubmit a request, deactivate a vendor, reinstate a vendor, update information, etc.). Once a form is submitted, it triggers an update to a … Read more

Modernized Application Standardizes Workflows and Contract Approvals  

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